The aim of this work is to better understand the causes of variability between individuals.
Who can take part?
We are inviting people from the following groups who are aged 35-75 years and able to undergo Magnetic Resonance Imaging:

- Individuals with no major neurological or psychiatric illnesses
- Idopathis Parkinson’s disease, diagnosed within the last two years
- REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder, diagnosed using an overnight sleep study
What is involved?
This study is based at the Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimagaging, London. Volunteers would attend four times over three year period. Each visit lasting a maximum of four hours, and assess medical history, health and brain function. Two of the visits would involve an hour-long MRI scan and give a small blood sample.
How to find out more?
Further details are available on the Parkinson’s UK research website, including a participant guide.
If you are interested, or wish to find out more details, please contact the study team:
email [email protected]
telephone: 020 3448 4384