Recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s?
Join us for a day to find out what’s on in Essex to help you take control.

Chelmsford 31 Oct 2018
10am-3pm, Wednesday 31 October 2018
Christ Church URC rooms, 164 New London Road, Chelmsford, CM2 0AW
Partner/ supporter welcome. Free lunch included – booking required.
For further details and to register a place contact Kecia Harris
[email protected] or call 0300 123 3676
Note change in venue due to power cut at the original venue.
PARKING: The postcode won’t take you to the parking, Below is a map of how to get to the parking on Bradford St and a photo of what it looks like from Bradford St. the directions to it are as follows:
To reach our car park
– When in New London Road
– turn into Lower Anchor Street and then
– first left into Bradford Street
– at the end of Bradford Street our car park is straight ahead of you.
Venue location:
Provisional agenda:
A day for recently diagnosed people who wish to find out what’s available to help them live well with Parkinson’s.
10:00-10:25 Arrival, refreshments
10:25-10:30 Welcome, purpose of the day, and housekeeping
10:30-10:40 Introduction to Parkinson’s UK
Kecia Harris, Parkinson’s UK
10:40-10:50 Parkinson’s Local Adviser
10:50-11:00 Bob Mays: What exercise has done for me
11:00-11:50 Tango workshop
11:50-12:00 Comfort break
12:00-12:10 What does the Parkinson’s Nurse service offer you?
12:10-12:30 Q & A to nurses, Tango instructor, Bob May
12:30-1:20 Lunch. Information stand on Parkinson’s UK and local opportunities.
1:20-1:55 East of England Research Interest Group
1:55-2:40 Voice workshop
2:40-2:50 Parkinson’s UK groups and Cafes. Diane
2:50-3:00 summing up, evaluation and close.
For further details and to register a place contact Kecia Harris
[email protected] or call 0300 123 3676